The fabric acts as a filter, preventing particles from entering the center while enabling exterior moisture to travel through easily
Because of its low elasticity, MiraDRAIN 9900's woven polyamide fabric withstands strong attrition from imposed overload and inhibits incursion into the drainage core. Because of its mechanical properties, MiraDRAIN 9900 could also be used in traffic volume regions and can end up serving as a safeguard course when used in combination with CCW water - resistant membranes. Designed for use in lateral plaza, rooftop terrace, and between-slab irrigation implementations where single-sided subsoil flooding is needed, MiraDRAIN 9900 could also be used in traffic volume areas and can serve as a safeguard course when used in combination with CCW waterproofing membranes.
ASTM D1777, 0.40 (10.16)
Compressive Strength
ASTM D1621 (mod), psf (kPa), 33,000 (1,650)
Maximum Flow Rate
ASTM D4716, gpm/ft (I/min/m), 24 gpm/ft
Apparent Opening Size
ASTM D4751, US Std Sieve (mm), 40 (0.43)
Water Flow Rate
ASTM D4491, gal/min/ft� (l/min/m�), 145 (5907)
Grab Tensile Strength
ASTM D4632, lbs (N), 365 (1624)
Grab Elongation
ASTM D4632, 24
CBR Puncture Strength
ASTM D6241, 675 (3004)